Expert Insights

Providing Support to Ukraine - In Partnership with Peppo Tutors

Published 25th August 2022

Providing Support to Ukraine - In Partnership with Peppo Tutors

At the core of everything we do at Ivy Education is our respect for the value of quality tuition and the powerful positive impact this has on students’ lives. We are very proud to have supported the development of Peppo Tutors, a community interest company committed to providing quality tutoring to disadvantaged students. More recently, we were delighted to collaborate once again with Peppo to help find tutors to volunteer to run English Conversation Clubs, launched specifically to help young Ukrainians improve their language skills.

Our connection with Peppo Tutors began when its founder, Adrian Levy, was introduced to Ivy’s Managing Director, Alastair Delafield. Rather than immediately trying to end the conversation, as Adrian had experienced on previous calls, Alastair was more than happy to learn about Peppo and offer his insight and advice in support of the community interest company.

Peppo Tutors and Ivy Education share an unwavering belief in the impact high quality tuition can have on a young person’s life – not just when it comes to improved grades and greater academic achievement, but also its benefits outside of academic life and the way it helps to build confidence. We were glad when Peppo Tutors reached out again to tell us about their new English Conversation Clubs specifically aimed at young Ukrainians. Peppo has created these freely accessible group classes to help Ukrainians who have had to leave their homes, improve their skills in English, ultimately preparing them for and supporting them through the approaching academic year. Peppo Tutors are currently helping over 250 young Ukrainian people, and we are proud of the number of our tutors who leapt at the chance to put their skills and tutoring experience to use for the benefit of these students.

The feedback we have received from the tutors to whom we signposted this opportunity has been overwhelmingly positive. Not only was Peppo glad to have more volunteers they could be sure were excellent tutors, thanks to Ivy’s thorough vetting process and especially high standards, but our tutors were as excited as us to discover the community interest company and this way they could work with Peppo Tutors to have a positive impact on disadvantaged young people and students.

Our fantastic Sarah Brentnall, who specialises in language tuition, has already led multiple Conversation Clubs for Peppo. Sarah was happy to let us know that the students ‘were very proficient and it was a good first lesson’. She is eager to lead more sessions and see the students progress further.

We are excited to continue this partnership with Peppo and look forward to supporting them with future projects. Our thoughts are with all displaced Ukrainian students whose lives have been impacted by the crisis and we plan to continue doing what we can to support them.